Bilateral Vasectomy

A Bilateral Vasectomy is a surgical procedure performed by skilled urology surgeons, typically at Chequers Health Centre. During this operation, both tubes that transport sperm from the testicles are either cut or sealed. This prevents sperm from reaching the penis during ejaculation, thus preventing pregnancy in the partner.

This procedure is highly effective, with over 99% success rate, and is usually conducted under local anaesthesia. Once the operation is completed and any remaining semen is cleared from the tubes, there’s no need to worry about contraception anymore.

We offer vasectomy without extensive waiting periods, conducted in advanced theatres utilising the latest technology. Patients are supported by a skilled multidisciplinary team throughout the process, from the initial consultation to the recovery phase.

Vasectomy is a surgical sterilisation procedure for men, where the vas deferens tubes are cut, blocked, or sealed to prevent sperm from being ejaculated. This ensures that semen released during intercourse doesn’t contain sperm, thus preventing fertilisation and pregnancy.

This procedure is suitable for men who have completed their desired family size and seek a permanent contraceptive solution. It’s important to note that while vasectomy prevents pregnancy, it does not protect against sexually transmitted infections (STIs), so barrier contraceptives are still necessary for STI prevention.

Although Vasectomy is permanent, it’s advisable for individuals to discuss this decision with their partner before proceeding. Our Urologists provide personalised assessment and guidance to help patients make informed choices.

During a consultation, the Urologist will assess the patient’s medical history and discuss future family planning goals. They address any concerns or questions the patient may have and may recommend counselling if needed.

Vasectomy surgery is typically performed under local anaesthesia, although other options may be available. It’s usually an outpatient procedure, meaning patients can go home the same day. Surgeons may perform either traditional or minimally invasive no-scalpel vasectomy, depending on the patient’s needs and preferences.

During the surgery, the surgeon makes small incisions in the scrotum to access the vas deferens, then cuts or seals them to prevent sperm passage. The procedure is concluded by closing the incisions with dissolvable stitches.

If you would like to explore this option further or want to enquire about other available services or treatments, you can contact us on 01204 928850 or email us on [email protected].