Birth Mark Removal

A birthmark is a coloured mark present at birth or appearing soon afterward, visible on the skin. There are two primary types:

  1. Vascular birthmarks: Typically red, purple, or pink in colour, these often occur on the face, head, and neck area, caused by abnormal grouping of blood vessels.
  2. Pigmented birthmarks: Usually brown, these can appear anywhere on the body and result from clusters of pigment cells.

The causes of birthmarks vary, including abnormal blood vessel formation or clusters of pigment cells.

Birthmark removal is possible, especially if it affects self-esteem. The procedure, lasting as little as 10 minutes, is safely performed by a Consultant using specialised equipment.

During a birthmark removal consultation, a doctor will assess the birthmark and recommend the most suitable treatment. They’ll address any questions and provide personalised advice. If removal is deemed appropriate, the procedure can be done in-clinic.

Chequers offers laser treatment for birthmark removal, a safe and sophisticated option suitable for all types of birthmarks. Some birthmarks may require multiple treatment sessions for optimal results.

If you would like to explore this option further or want to enquire about other available services or treatments, you can contact us on 01204 928850 or email us on