Effusion Drainage

Effusion refers to the accumulation of fluid in body cavities, commonly in the joints (such as the knee). Drainage of effusions is a medical procedure used to remove this excess fluid to alleviate symptoms, improve function, and aid in diagnosis.

Joint Effusion (Arthrocentesis):
Description: Accumulation of fluid in a joint space, commonly the knee.
– The area is cleaned and sterilised.
– Local anaesthesia is applied.
– A needle is inserted into the joint space to withdraw the fluid.
– Sometimes, corticosteroids are injected to reduce inflammation.
– Uses: Relieve pain, improve joint mobility, and analyse fluid for diagnosis.

Indications for Effusion Drainage

– Diagnostic Purposes:
– Analysing the fluid to determine the underlying cause of the effusion, such as infection, inflammation, malignancy, or other conditions.

– Therapeutic Purposes:
– Relieving symptoms such as pain, swelling, shortness of breath, and limited mobility.
– Preventing complications such as infection or damage to surrounding tissues and organs.

Effusion drainage is a valuable procedure for both diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. It helps alleviate symptoms, improve function, and provide crucial information about the underlying cause of fluid accumulation. Consulting with a healthcare professional is essential to determine the most appropriate treatment and to manage any potential risks associated with the procedure.